Transcript for Investors call held on November 11, 2024
Transcript for Investors call held on August 13, 2024
Transcript for Investors call held on May 28, 2024
Transcript for Investors call held on February 7,2024
Transcript for Investors call held on November 8, 2023
Transcript for Investors call held on 8 August 2023
Transcript for Investors call held on 20 May 2023
Transcript for Investors call held on 7 February 2023
Transcript for Investors call held on 7 November 2022
Transcript for Investors meeting held on 18 August 2022
EPL Limited Q1 FY23 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Transcripts for Investor meet held on 28 June 2022
EPL Limited Q4 FY22 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Q3 FY22 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Q2 FY22 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Q1 FY22 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Q4 FY20 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Q3 FY21 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1 FY21 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited Q2 FY21 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4 FY20 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3 FY20 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2 FY20 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1 FY20 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4 FY19 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3 FY19 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2 FY19 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1 FY19 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4 FY18 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3 FY18 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2 FY18 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1 FY18 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4 FY17 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3 FY17 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2 FY17 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1 FY17 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4 FY16 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3 FY16 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2 FY16 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1 FY16 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1FY15 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2FY15 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3FY15 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1FY14 Concall Transript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Concall Invite (28-Oct) Q2 FY14
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3FY14 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4 FY14 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4FY13 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3FY13 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2FY13 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1FY13 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4FY12 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3FY12 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2FY12 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1FY12 Concall Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q4FY11 Conference Call Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q3FY11 Conference Call Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q2FY11 Conference Call Transcript
EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited) Q1FY11 Conference Call Transcript
Form ISR 1 - Registration of PAN, KYC details or changes and updation thereof
Form ISR 2 - Confirmation of Signature by the Banker
Form ISR 3 - Opting-out of Nomination
Form ISR 4 - Issue of Duplicate Certificate and other Service Requests
Form ISR 5 - Transmission of Securities by Nominee or Legal Heir
Form SH 13 - Registration of Nomination
Form SH 14 - Cancellation or Variation in Nomination
EPL has entered into agreements with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Securities Limited (CDSL) to facilitate the holding and trading of equity shares in the electronic form. EPL’s shares are included in the Securities & Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) specified scrips for settlement only in the dematerialized form for all investors effective 31st May, 1999. Shareholders should open a depository account in their names with a Depository Participant(DP) to dematerialize their holdings. Benefits of Depository System are:
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide its circular bearing no. 17/2011 dated 21.04.2011 and no. 18/2011 dated 29.04.2011, has allowed Companies to serve documents to its Shareholders through electronic mode.
This is indeed a welcome step towards creating a paperless environment. It would also contribute in a small way in curbing the ill effects of “Global Warming”. This initiative by MCA will also help in prompt receipt of communication/documents by the Shareholders and avoid loss or delay in postal transit.
Your Company endorses the MCA initiative and urges your active participation for the same and proposes to send documents like the notice of the Annual General Meeting, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Audited Financial Statements (‘Annual Report’) and any other documents or communications, in electronic mode, to the email address made available to us by the Depositories / provided by you, from time to time.
We solicit your whole-hearted co-operation and patronage for implementing the Green initiative taken by the Government as your contribution towards a better environment.
Buy or sell shares only through recognized share brokers registered with stock exchanges or secured internet trading sites. Ensure that you obtain a proper Contract Note from your broker, against all your sales and purchases. Do preserve all such contract notes for your income tax accounting purposes.
When you buy shares in the depository mode through a recognized share broker, all you need is to provide details of your Demat account to your broker. The shares bought will be directly credited to your Demat Account.
Please note that the shares of your Company are traded only in the electronic form on the stock exchanges and SEBI vide its notification dated 8 June 2018 has amended regulation 40 of SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015 and accordingly as per the amended regulation transfer of shares or securities shall be mandatory in demat form only wef 1 April 2019. In this Regard, Members are requested to dematerialize / demat their shares or securities held in physical form in demat mode to enable transfer of shares.
Pursuant to SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP1/CIR/P/2018/73 dated 20th April 2018, shareholders mandatorily need to provide to the Company or Registrar and Share Transfer Agents (RTA) their PAN and Bank Account details. If you have not furnished so far, please provide a self-attested copy of PAN card, canceled cheque with bank detail. To update your current address, provide a self-signed copy of the latest address proof (aadhar card, passport, driving license, election voter card, or utility bill in the name of sole or first holder.) and send the same to Company or Company RTA (address as mentioned above). Form to update PAN and Bank details is given at bottom of page.
Members can avail the facility of nomination in respect of shares held by them in physical form pursuant to section 72 of the Companies Act 2013 read with relevant rules. Members desiring to avail of this facility may send their nomination in the prescribed form no. SH13 duly filled in and signed to the Company or RTA.
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai – 400 001, India
Scrip Code: 500135
ISIN: INE255A01020
Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, ‘G’ Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai- 400 051, India
Scrip Code: EPL
ISIN: INE255A01020
Axis House, 2nd Floor, Bombay Dyeing Mills Compound Near Hard Rock Café, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli
Mumbai – 400 025
Maharashtra, India
Shareholders are requested to forward their queries/complaints to our Registrar & Share Transfer Agents at the address given below:
Unit: EPL Limited (formerly known as Essel Propack Limited)
Office No S6-2, 6th Floor, Pinnacle Business Park, Next to Ahura Centre, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400093, Maharashtra, India.
In case of unresolved queries, shareholders may approach EPL directly at the following address:
Top Floor, Times Tower, Kamala City Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai – 400013, India
Designated E-mail address for registering grievances.
Email Id:
Alternative Contact: Mr. Surje Singh
Tel no: 022-24819000